

A star danced, and under that was I born. ~ William Shakespeare 🌹
Please no DMs and no Porn

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The Cranes

See how those cranes fly arcing through the sky!
The clouds they have for company on their way
Were there already when they had to fly
From one life to another far away ...

- Bertolt Brecht

by Truong Buu Giam

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Creativity is a way of life.

It is
a freedom,
a confidence,
a tranquility,
a surrender,
a natural state of living
that expands everything ...

'Vor dem Schnee', 1920 by Paul Klee

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The creative act is a letting down
of the net of human imagination
into the ocean of chaos,
and the attempt to bring out of it ideas.

- Amit Ray

by Joaquin Guerola

11 23

I love the Lotus because,
while growing from mud,
it is unstained.

- Zhou Dun Yi, 1017 – 1073 C.E.


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Good Morning

happy and peaceful weekend to all 🍂🍁🌞

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The utterances of the heart,
unlike those of the discriminating intellect,
always relate to the whole.
The heartstrings sing like an Aeolian harp
only under the gentle breath of a mood,
an intuition,
which does not drown the song
but listens.
-C. Jung
Aeolian Harp🎨Hudson Fulton

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In our life there is a single color,
as on an artist’s palette, which provides
the meaning of life and art.
It is the color of .
- Marc Chagall

'I and the Village' by Marc Chagall

Chagall saw his work as ‘not the dream of one people but of all '

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Dawn over Riddarfjarden

by Eugene Jansson, 1899

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Being creative is about
seeing outside the box.

Dare to be original in
a world full of imitators.

by Ric Nagualero

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… and then there is a world
that remembers love, decency,
imagination and respect.
And I dream to her -
warmed by sunshine and birdsong …


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