

✨ She / her
📖 Read my comic Birch Manor on Webtoons, Tapas and Globalcomix

フォロー数:34 フォロワー数:115

Random venty art oof. I'm quite melodramatic lol. It doesn't seem to change or go away and it's insufferable to people around me.

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New episode of my is out! If nothing... read it for her... 😍✨

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Snippets from episode 7! Hopefully this will be out later today or tomorrow (Sunday) the latest. I'm not the fastest episode maker and I keep piling more work by adding panels etc... This might be the longest episode so far!

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Did a / piece for someone over on insta. I don't know what possessed me to paint this when I usually work with lineart 😅 But painting is fun too!

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Finished an original artwork for once! I feel like I don't usually have the motivation to draw detailed pieces just for myself or of my original characters. Love flowy hair!

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Flaky is an ancient OC of mine that I basically just use to draw fancy pictures with long flowy hair and dresses 😂 I just don't want all my more detailed pieces to be fanart...

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I ended up finishing it anyway... 😳😳😳 I wanted to make like another "darker" version too, like just different colors than this, but this was already a lot of work so probs have to scrap that idea... Lucia from the Suitor Armor by

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I'm working on a fanart of Lucia from Suitor Armor by . Idk if I'll ever finish this... the lineart took forever and I rarely do this detailed drawings ;__; Also these colors are not set in stone, but I am trying to keep her "palette".

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Upcoming character sketch. I think I want her to look a bit older and not have such baby face even if it's cute.

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A fancy portrait of Kielo (she kinda doesn't look like herself lol). Just wanted to draw a regency era outfit I saw. Kielo is the main character of my Before the Birch Manor Linnaea Wither.

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