Glasgow Science Festivalさんのプロフィール画像

Glasgow Science Festivalさんのイラストまとめ

Glasgow Celebrates 5th to 15th June 25. Celebrating how research is transforming our lives, cities and futures.
#GlaSciFest #ScienceOnTheSofa

フォロー数:2057 フォロワー数:6121

A Tea, A Talk & A Tunnock’s- The Digital Wave

Wed 8th June, 1-2pm, free, no booking required

Dr Megan Kasten shares insights into early medieval history, using 3D analyses of

☕ More info

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Motion Waves- Land, Sea & Air
Hunterian Museum, 4th June, 10-2pm, free

Calling all young explorers! Join the team & discover waves in the natural world. With crafts, activities & a trail


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GSF21 Glasgow Connects is now live! 1-30 Sept

Enjoy dozens of activities, expts, talks at home with

Join us in person starting , 4 -12 Sept, 11-2pm.

All content is free

Browse the programme

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Whats on Sat 15 June. Free! GSF , Kibble Palace 11-3pm; GSF Ingenious Circus / , 12-4pm; Discover Archaeology , 12-4pm; GSF STEAMS Ahead , 1.30-4.30.

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Science fun for all the family - Sun 9th June. All events are FREE! Join us 11-4.30, 11-3 and , Kelvin Gallery & for Sunday 12-4.

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