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The Witch is back tonight! #jessicalangebyglenhanson #americanhorrorstorycovern #tvwitch #fionagoode #mustwatchtv
One of my last creations for 2013…5th Anniversary Commission for Hunky Couple, Sailor @CharlesDujic & Merman Cort!
Happy 50th Birthday to Brad Pitt! #brangelina #hollywoodsuperstar #bradandangelina #familyman #oceanseleven
Sexy Santa wants to know…."Naughty or Nice?" #sexysanta #glenhansonillustration #holidaypinup #naughtyornice #xmasgal
Happy Holiday @RealLyndaCarter! You are a WONDERful gift to all of us!!! #lyndacarteriswonderwoman #beautytalentheart
WINTER WONDER WOMAN wishes you Happy Holidays! #wonderwomanbyglenhanson #wondergift #holidayheroine #amazonchristmas
Who likes GOLDEN SHOWERS?? Golden Girls Shower curtains coming next week from http://t.co/WzGpKGkduK! #goldengirlswet
Happy Birthday to the Divine Miss @BetteMidler! #bettemidlerbyglenhanson #divinemissm #beaches #legend #illeatyoulast
Happy Birthday to living legend Tina Turner! You're simply THE BEST! #proudmary #whatslovegottodowithit #tinaturner
Have a SuperBeard Saturday! Be a Hero and Go Save The Day!!! #superhero #capedwonder #totherescue #weneedahero #supes