

フォロー数:26 フォロワー数:187

太子悦神 WIP scribbly doodle -doo
Doctor: wow you managed to cannulate the patient that 6 people tried and failed, what is your secret?
Me: i XL
Doc: what?
Me: wat?
and that's how i'm still single...

15 100


Pei ming you can break me any day.....pls

这几天急诊室天天忙的团团转,眼花撩乱的一个晚上赶着乱涂完了,真他娘的糙 💤

127 296

5G network? tgcf telecommunication operating on 9000G bruh.

60 141

I'm actually finding this break time quick scribbling on ipad de-stressing
MQ you are my angel.

70 171



Quickly doodle for Peipei's best bud. Now they go asshole-ing around town.

137 303

Some of 2018 YGO draws i have saved. I had great fun trying to make that hair semi.....realistic....

5 18

WIP for this scummy royal bastard cousin.
But somehow i low-key like him...just a bit.

95 265

quickie draw for my personal fav dude; he's like that that guy that plays a mmo that creates a crap ton of female alt accounts.

196 376