

Artist Likes Manga, Video Games and Yu-Gi-Oh! Coms Closed!

フォロー数:4434 フォロワー数:65

You question him yet Pokemon like Sudowoodo exist and that mfer is a rock type and despite the name I’ve seen people still think it’s Grass it’s name is literally Fake Wood

0 33

Her: “hEy bAbE” 🥰😘🥵
Him: “No Thanks I’m Good”

0 10

So we got another Singer another Magician and another . . . Whatever the fuck Quaxly turned into . . . a Dancer? . . . A Gay Rattlesnake named Fabio Enchilada who developed the driving in watch dogs? Alright that ones Original kinda but definitely needed a redesign.

2 31

Damn really went from
'I call him Daddy" To
"He calls me Mommy too"

0 3

. . . Your not even talking about the thing I’m critiquing. I’m talking about this pose.

0 0

I wouldn’t say that it’s bland I would just say that in the manga the characters feel more expressive and there are certain poses that hit harder in the manga then the anime.

4 187

Apparently Bellibolt is 3’11” so Iono is like super small cause she doesn’t appear to be that much taller then him. She’s legit a gremlin

0 24