

Foverer DM. Ork Fan. Pony Fan. Artist, i guess?

フォロー数:134 フォロワー数:253

MFW i just sugared my last cube and i don't know what to do next

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It took me 2 days to finish the introduction to Shadowlands, and this is what i actually remember.

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"Anon (a-ah-haaa)
Fighter of the Nightanon (a-ah-haa)
He's a master of Shitposting and Friendship for everyone"
- It's Always Sunny in Fillydelphia

Birthday Gift for

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So basically Lola Bunny after the first movie just gave up with sports and lost her shape? What a sad message for kids

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Unless you ain't Pony or different pony

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Wait a minute.. in the Past the Pony Tribes where divided but only thanks to the Heart's Warming they managed to return together. Now in G5 Firendship is gone and there is racial mistrust again. Does this mean that Ponies are Racist without magical mind-influence?

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All around me are familiar faces,
Purple colors, MEME FACES

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