

Passionate about personal development and helping others achieve their goals. Believer in the power of a growth and mindset.

フォロー数:782 フォロワー数:2080

Check Out the creator of Long known well established artist and a pioneer in digital art. Has done work with The original PillMan went on tour with for his 2000 tour. Worked with

5 9

The art is on another level. is no rookie when it comes to art. Amazing Check out story here.

1 1

Long know artist has been doing digital art before digital art was a thing. He is a pioneer in the space. He has done work for The Pillman character was featured in 2000 tour he’s done work for drops coming for all 💊 holders

2 4

No need to send me .1 eth I just want more by Once you pop you cant stop. Like seriously.....

1 5

Like Why not??... Recommend looking into the history of the artist. is very unique..

0 6

Had to add this one to the family. It was just way to cheap to pass up! Love those glasses!

3 15

NFTs arent about just a jpeg Some NFTS have real artist that spend there life making art puts there hearts and soul into there work. This is the new age Wall Painting. Created by long known like before

3 8