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@KingRichard @KingRichard Check Out @MichaKlein1 the creator of @pills_crypto Long known well established artist and a pioneer in digital art. Has done work with @CocaCola The original PillMan went on tour with @Eminem for his 2000 tour. Worked with @tiesto
@RealDrHadi @NewsAsset @DeezNutzNFT @pills_crypto @Crypto__Chicks The art is on another level. @MichaKlein1 is no rookie when it comes to art. Amazing @pills_crypto Check out @MichaKlein1 story here. https://t.co/b2ABzPUZp9
@famous_dyl Long know artist @MichaKlein1 has been doing digital art before digital art was a thing. He is a pioneer in the space. He has done work for @CocaCola The Pillman character was featured in @Eminem 2000 tour he’s done work for @tiesto drops coming for all 💊 holders @pills_crypto
@carlosgil83 No need to send me .1 eth I just want more @pills_crypto by @MichaKlein1 Once you pop you cant stop. Like seriously..... #nftcollector #NFTartwork #NFTs
@davidgokhshtein Soooo undervalued….. @MichaKlein1 has done some amazing art work with @pills_crypto #nftcollector #NFTartwork #NFTartist
@yo Like Why not??... Recommend looking into the history of the artist. @MichaKlein1 @pills_crypto is very unique..
Had to add this one to the family. It was just way to cheap to pass up! Love those glasses! @pills_crypto @MichaKlein1 #nft #NFTartist #nftcollector
@apecontract @MichaKlein1 @pills_crypto @mariekeNFT @GeoffCarroll9 Smart Move :)
NFTs arent about just a jpeg Some NFTS have real artist that spend there life making art puts there hearts and soul into there work. This is the new age Wall Painting. @pills_crypto Created by long known like before #bitcoin @MichaKlein1 #nft #nftart #NFTartist