

prounouns are high/er

フォロー数:8597 フォロワー数:57057

I will say that started off to a rocky start during/after reveal, but they are correcting mistakes, listening to the community, gamifying with key airdrop, refunding gas on migration, and the art imo is some of the best 🔥

85 238

Popped two more boxes!! Ngl I’ve enjoyed my pulls so far 🔥

24 108

Opened up another box looking for that 1/1 but I like this one too

42 158

Tried my luck on two more boxes and feel like it was a success. Streets is callin!!

42 182

Tell me this isn’t one of the best new fun collections out there. Just browse the traits WAGMI!!

9 53

Busy opening my boxes this morning and loving the UI on reveal page!

49 191

Gm and remember WAGMI!!

16 98