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The meager carp is a symbol of hope and perseverance in Japan: if a carp can leap all the way up a waterfall, it is said that the gods will turn it into a dragon, a blessing for their hard work. May we all have such perseverance in the days ahead. #FolkloreThursday
Beginning with the 15th century Europeans around the world began to revel in exotic clothes, bringing these into their own fashion to show their status as a worldly romantic traveler. Famous examples include the fez, the kimono, and animal skins from the Americas. #FolkloreSunday
The appearance of the Devil changes with time and place in folklore, drawing on social anxieties, even xenophobia, at times. While some British folktales have a dandy Devil taking innocents to a wrestling match, others present an inhuman black shape. #FolkloreThursday
Metallurgy was independently discovered multiple times in Eurasia-Africa, with evidence suggesting bronze and iron smelting in Nigeria developed separate from the Middle East, China, or India. This may explain the prominence of gods like Ogun. #FolkloreThursday
🖼: I. PIckering
As Grimnir, Odin decided to test his adopted son Geirröth with Frigg's help: warned a coming wizard was his doom, Geirröth captured Grimnir ans bound him before a fire for a week. Only a child, Geirröth's son Agnar, showed Grimnir kindness. #FairytaleTuesday
🖼: G. Wright
The Jade Rabbit of the Moon, similar to the Man on the Moon in thr Anglophone, has mallet and is making something: in Japan, he is making delicious mochi, while in China, he is making the Elixir of Immortality for Chang'e, his companion. #MythologyMonday
🖼: A. Rodriguez
Inari is the kami of rice and industry, agriculture and smithing: a multifaceted god of male and female forms. Associated with foxes and all walks of life in Japan, her shrines are marked by kitsune statues and offerings of sake and rice. #FolkloreThursday
The Harrowing of Hell begins tomorrow for Western Christians, where Christ descended into Hell and there Jesus broke the Doors of Death for those saints awaiting Judgment. While only alluded to in the New Testament, and over time has become more obscure. #FolkloreThursday
Thor went on a fishing trip with Tyr's Jotun stepfather, bringing a massive cow's head as bait. And what should he catch but his nemesis, the great Midgard Serpent himself, Jormungandr? Though he attempted to strike him dead, the beast escaped: til Ragnarok. #FolkloreThursday
The people of Vietnam are descended of Lord of Dragons and Queen of Mountain Fairies, divided between them. This origin explains the diverse peoples of Vietnam and its geography, all while setting them apart from their neighbors. #FairytaleTuesday
🖼: W. Lin