

Writer/Artist. He/Him. 36yo. Writer of the "Sonic the Hedgehog" fan-project "Sea3on": sonicsatam.com/sea3on/

フォロー数:89 フォロワー数:1300

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together

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The render here is based on Sally's appearance in the comics after Tracy Yardley took over as their primary artist; the design there retained the fundamentals of Sally's original design but rendered them in a style more in keeping with the post-"Sonic Adventure" aesthetic.

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2 for 1, 'cuz the most popular art thing I've ever posted (by, like, a LOT) is a short story I made to go with a commission from (left, story link in alt text) but the most popular art thing I made entirely by myself is probably this Sally In "Sonic Forces" pic (right) https://t.co/P5WhOlKxim

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yeah you might say i've done a bit of satAM fanart

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Bonus! Alternate Color Palette also by

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