Vs Bolden Guy (demo out)さんのプロフィール画像

Vs Bolden Guy (demo out)さんのイラストまとめ

hi, im bolden guy
directors: @SobbleL
ourple guy by: @kiwiquestt

demo: bolden-guy-download.neocities.org

フォロー数:1091 フォロワー数:1196

here the desing of the animatronics

conker (freddy g-side) and felix (bonnie g-side) desings made by:

sussan (chica g-side), clever the beaver (fredbear g-side) and shiny felix (springbonnie g-side) desings made by:

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escuchame, si hoy, 19 de marzo llegamos a 400 seguidores, subimos bite g-side full/listen to me, if today, March 19, we reach 400 followers, we upload bite g-side full

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a teaser of the alternative sprites of town! (the song will have 2 sprites, one with png and another drawn, these can be chosen when entering the song)


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