Gin | Hrothgarさんのプロフィール画像

Gin | Hrothgarさんのイラストまとめ

-Hrothgar (Ninja Main)
-Tonberry (Elemental)
-Profile and Cover Art done by @xzodust

フォロー数:1542 フォロワー数:583

I got a commission done by , Thank you for doing an amazing job with my so cute I really love it.

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The Hrothgar in the FFXIV Anime ad is so damn cute if there was a ffxiv anime I'm down for this artstyle.

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Yoooooo I single summoned my Tsundere boy from the event banner now I just need to get his 3 star..

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Probably the most enjoyable Valentines Event I've done.

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Wasted my day eradicating an ant nest that some how decided to spawn in my bedroom cupboard I was gonna go cycle today. Fuck ants.

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