

Just some dude who writes, draws (sometimes) and plays games. Whether through writing or art I aim to make awesome characters doing cool things. Rock on!

フォロー数:575 フォロワー数:232

I've got a few that might fit the bill?

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Thanks for the share! I'm a traditional artist since August and I've been making fanarts and designing OCs, hoping to make cool stuff. Always grateful for interest!

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Congrats! I've been grateful for your support, and you certainly deserve this milestone. I'll take this chance to show off some of my older OCs, which I've been drawing traditionally along with fanarts for a while now. Rock on!

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Sounds like a grand idea. Here are some characters I'd be happy to get any feedback for.

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Hey there, and thanks for the share! I'm Louie, and I've been drawing fanarts and OCs traditionally since August. My number-one goal is to make cool stuff people enjoy. Rock on!

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"Sunny Psychic" - A character drawn at the behest of one of my rockstar followers. I'm always partial to goofs and goobers. Hope you like my rendition, buddy!

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Thanks for the share! I'm Louie, and I enjoy designing OCs plus their stories as well as doing fanarts. Trying to make stuff people enjoy as I get better. I'll tag , , and !

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Maybe one of my chars catches your eye?

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Hey there, and thanks for this share! I'm Louie, and I started drawing in August so that I could get all the OC ideas in my head out of there, though I love doing fanarts too. I hope people enjoy!

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