

I don't watch anime.

フォロー数:196 フォロワー数:1255

I'm gonna say this is finished and stop drawing for tonight.

23 106

I think I'll make a loose schedule with a day of taking requests sometime between Sun-Tues, of various subjects.

btw I redid this well cause I didn't get any more to do.

1 7

Okay taking a doodle request or two. good ones only.

4 13

Her smile and muffled happiness gives me the strength I lack from my GF deficiency.

5 27

Thank you now I have an endless source of characters to doodle and practice with when I don't have much time to draw <3

8 61

I'm going to bed but here's the little picture I drew for the giveaway i'm not doing now right now.
My censored text makes the image looks a little different but I don't know why...

1 10

When you need to braap on the libs but a smug stonetoss isn't enough.

14 164

I've got you covered brother.
This is a wholesome twitter so I don't draw porn, but I'm pretty drunk right now so you're in luck.

1 17

This image is a curse apon my art career. I will probably delete soon.

context below.

10 52