

#Kidlit reviews, #interviews + #giveaways. #SCBWI Mingle coordinator, JLife & L.A. Parent contributor, freelancer @RonnaWriter

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In ’s PORCUPINE CUPID w/adorable art by , Porcupine’s on a mission to spread the ❤️, but he ends up irritating his forest friends w/his prickly approach. Can he find a new way to share the loving spirit?

4 10

Based on her best-selling memoir, ’s pb BECOMING A GOOD CREATURE is an uplifting read, full of positive messages on how we can be better humans by paying attention to + learning from animals. art. reviews.

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Wilfrid Lupano’s THE WOLF IN UNDERPANTS FREEZES HIS BUTT OFF, is a LOL misunderstandings story, also showing what can happen when hearsay is believed. Art by Mayana Itoïz, Paul Cauuet. Graphic Universe/   reviews

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In BURN, 15-y-o Sarah Dewman’s dad hires a dragon to help w/farmwork. It’s 1957 + the Russians are putting a satellite in space. + + = an amazing read! reviews.

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Our Month Picks, ranging from roller derby to dragons to witches, include mg novel, The Derby Daredevils by Kit Rosewater w/art by Sophie Escabasse, + ya novels, Burn by Patrick Ness + E. Lattimer’s Witches of Ash and Ruin. Reviews by

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When researching Jacob Riis’s life, was surprised to learn that he didn’t consider himself a photographer. “In fact, he later carelessly tossed his glass plate negatives into his attic.” Find out more in our Q+A!

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So happy to share a Q+A w/ on her new pb bio, Jacob Riis’s Camera w/art by Read how a penniless immigrant became a reporter + social activist in NY using flash photography to illuminate tenement living conditions.

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Author + illustrator of Hazel and Twig: The Birthday Fortune, , introduces us to a second adventure featuring the beloved Korean-American mouse sisters in Hazel and Twig: The Lost Egg. Find this pb review by in our roundup.

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Two new picture books + two new board books will delight youngsters this Welcoming Elijah: A Passover Tale With a Tail, Asteroid Goldberg: Passover in Outer Space, I Love Matzah + Alligator Seder.

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Do your kids wonder how there can be Santas in so many different places? Get answers + laughs by reading the humorous rhyming pb Santa’s Secret by w/art by from + reviewed by

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