

Doesn't all that venom make you dizzy? | Catboy Fastboy | 26 | he/him | NecroDancer Enjoyer™ | avi & png by @inkopolis

フォロー数:768 フォロワー数:353

another thing different in the anime: Kukaku is still missing an arm, but has a prosthetic

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yeah the anime censored this, among other things. I think Gin leaves Jidanbo with just a cut in the anime.

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Bleach - Agent of the Substitute Shinigami Arc (8/10)

solid beginning to a beautiful mess of a manga

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actually started clapping

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oh here we go!!!!!

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All I can think upon reading this is "oh Kubo definitely would've revealed this to be that Soken Ishida could've easily bested these Hollows, but had his Quincy powers stolen by Yhwach's Auswählen at this very moment and that's why he died" or something

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