Google Malaysiaさんのプロフィール画像

Google Malaysiaさんのイラストまとめ

Welcome to the Official Google Malaysia Twitter page!

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2017 saw a Doodle which reintroduced Malaysian nurse and freedom fighter Sybil Kathigasu into the nation’s awareness in celebration of her 117th birthday.

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Pada tahun 2016, Doodle Merdeka memberi tumpuan kepada Harimau Malaya, sebuah simbol yang menggambarkan kekuatan dan ciri dinamik Malaysia.

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In 2016, the Merdeka Doodle shined the spotlight on the Malayan Tiger, a fitting symbol of Malaysia’s robust and dynamic background.

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Pada 2014, kita memperingati pengarah filem berprestij Yasmin Ahmad sempena hari jadinya yang ke-56.

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In 2014, we remembered the award-winning filmmaker Yasmin Ahmad on her 56th birthday.

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Slmt Hari Malaysia! hari ini karya Ch’ng Kai Wei, pemenang 2017 bertemakan kepelbagaian M'sia.

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Doodle Google hari ini meraikan warisan Tan Sri P. Ramlee, seniman dan ikon Malaysia.

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Today’s Google Doodle celebrates the 88th birthday of Malaysian icon, Tan Sri P. Ramlee.

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Squad assemble! Bang the drum to breathe some fire in to the dragon and watch him dance

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Time to feast! Rooster's set the table ready for Share your favourite delish dish 🐔🍴

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