

The Gorn is alive | Pfp: @DoublePlebeian | Banner: @BeautifulDevi20 | Noob Pixel Artist | Novice Writer | Art(Only): @RoxArt0514 Nsfw: @GornAfterDark

フォロー数:2954 フォロワー数:503

I plan to finish up Grimm and add The Knight but I don't want ya waitin longer than ya already have (haha) soooo here's a wip. Layers are really nice

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(WIP)Fusion Suit Samus
1. I just wanted to get this part finished before the stream AND not tire myself out like last time.
2. Will work on it after stream if I have energy.
3. I wanted to draw Samus as I am a massive fan of metroid and an hyped for Dread.
4. What do y'all think?

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HERE SHE IS! The oh so lovely, oh so deadly, oh so sexy, best gun in bloodborne Evelyn!
I do hope you like it. This has been my longest project by far. I truly am happy with her though. She's so damn pretty.

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(WIP) Evelyn

My favorite weapon in bloodborne and the sexiest gun hands down. I have nothing to say other than this gun is tiring me out lol. More work will be posted later today or tomorrow.

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Welp, here she is. You may have already noticed but the quality has dropped from the others and there's a reason for that.
I didn't ask for help. I just did it.
Also shoutout to @/bobodolt for dealing with my questioning for the past few days.
btw what do y'all think?

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Today I bring to you the finished product.
I do hope you enjoy it and any details you find lacking or straight wrong i'd like to hear.

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Here you are you lovely people! Google says this is a bust so here it is!
I also included the full pic so you can pick out more details to scream at me for fucking up hahaha.
I really like this piece though.

I do hope you enjoy it. (Shading the hair fucking sucked)

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I'm not good with titling things but uh... here's Arashi being cool.
Art made by (Thx again m8!)

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Perfect for a meme.If only I was good at it.

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