

I do not use Twitter anymore.
Twitter sucks.
Follow me on 🟦☁ instead.
I have the same @ as here, so I should be easy to find.

フォロー数:57 フォロワー数:11336

Pics like these are possible again~

21 103

It's almost 's birthday, so here's a doodle of him in almost his birthday suit. Enjoy!

6 34

Oops! You forgot the best version. :U

4 28

Here's a random picture of looking smug and pantsless. Enoy!

15 77

Enjoy this picture of skateboarding in his underwear.

45 283

's muscle walrus dude. I love this big pantsless doofus.

21 118

Last fish picture for now. My hand is getting tired. :P

5 52