

"Grace" | She/They/He | Aro/Ace | Norwegian | Artist | Just a vibing witch and her cat Perle
(Also on Tumblr: )

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:3418

Drew myself as a badger. Ye :>

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Here's the first batch of monsterfied NoPixel characters for October! :>
We got Jonelle the Haunted Doll, Bruce the Ghost, and Jackie the Banshee~

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Mixed my Gangsona with the monster doggo I draw here and there <3

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Drew a lil' Jenny for a reason, but I wont say what the reason is yet :3c

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Did a couple of sketches of Ryan 'cuz he's a fun character to draw qvq

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Wanted to draw a dog, so I drew Lauren as a Bichon Frisé again :>

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Why not since I'm feeling kinda sick today uvu

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I DID IT! FUCK YEAH! Drew Ryan and Mia hanging out together uvu

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More sketches as well as some sort of a drawing?? I guess??? Eh ¯\_(óvò)_/¯

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