

"Grace" | She/They/He | Aro/Ace | Norwegian | Artist | Just a vibing witch and her cat Perle
(Also on Tumblr: )

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:3427

Aaand drew my DnD character again being mad uvu

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Eh. Drew me & my friend's DnD character again, but his character is turned into a (dire) wolf since he's a druid :p

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Since I'm very sleepy, and don't have a lot of drawing inspiration today, I sketched this sleepy bean of mine =u=

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Felt like drawing 'cuz they're cool~ ;3c
(sry if I got some of the colors wrong TvT)

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Eyy, drew Mint again, but this time, he's with a shiny, potion making Delphox :>

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Eyy, so earlier I talked about re-designing an old character of mine, and I did! Look at this good boy! :3

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Drew Chica, Tiny Box Tim and Tiny Box Tiny sleeping together, 'cuz... They're all amazing <3

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Since it's late and I'm tired, I drew real quick (since she's a cutie uwu) while watching the charity livestream!

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I had to draw the "shadow" Mew caught, 'cuz, how can someone not draw something so beautiful!

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Poppy and Ayah is becoming one of my favorite things to draw. Because they're SO FUCKING CUTE HHHH--

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