

"Grace" | She/They/He | Aro/Ace | Norwegian | Artist | Just a vibing witch and her cat Perle
(Also on Tumblr: )

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:3427

I love Guzma, I love Team Skull, and I love everyone and everything in Pokemon Sun/Moon TwT

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Drew me and my best buds (them being animals and I'm not... *sigh*) being all tired and shit

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Drew Tulip (and her robot friend(s)) from that's gonna be the next Cartoon Network show! Can't wait for it <3

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Idk what it is about drawing Sans, but it's just really calming to me everytime I do draw him uwu

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Yup. It's settled. I want pkmn Sun/Moon right now. The newest trailer is just too good to be true.

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Skuntank is a lil' weird one to humanize, but hey, I drew that anyway :p

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Drew my lil' blind mage! Again! 'Cause why the fuck not? :>

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I wanted to draw that blind mage I drew a few days ago since, I just love her. I need to name her something T3T

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Drew this cat fella again that I drw a long time ago. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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