

Owner of Graham the Dutch Angel Dragon | I hoard polyhedrons | 🏳️‍🌈 | She/Them |
Profile 🖼️: ino89777 |
Header: Me/James Webb Team

フォロー数:866 フォロワー数:1195

"Yuri! on Ice" is definently one of my top 5 fave animes. 😍😭💦❤❤❤❤

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Thank you for the chance!!! I'm sure your deck will be gorgeous! Here's a couple characters to choose between.

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Here are a few of my characters. <3 thanks for the chance.

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Honestly.. I put my favorite features of a bunch if animals I like all in one fursona.
Galaxy has ram horns, hyena mane, tiger stripes, and snow leopard coloring. She has one of my tattoos. And she's friends with a raven. She's a mess, but so am I!

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I have a tie between Graham, my DAD.. who I've poured thousands into.. and my main sona, Galaxy, who I've had for 10+ years! Art by

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