

Hey groovers!

TWITTER WARNING! If I disagree or see something differently, it does not mean I hate you lol. It's ok to disagree :)

フォロー数:856 フォロワー数:574

Come on SEGA, folk want Skies of Arcadia too!

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Radiant Silvergun will be at the Tokyo Gameshow. Crossing fingers and toes for a Switch port :)

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Westwood's Bladerunner remaster is coming! Coming to Switch June 24!

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Organs for sale! One (not very) careful owner.

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Nah, everyone is wrong. This is how you bring something back. A remake that drips passion for the game and being able to switch on the fly between the original and the new version. Totally retains it's soul.

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'If you wanna be my lover, you gotta...'

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Here's some I did. (last one looked good in game)

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