

アニメーター // 作画監督 ||| 現在、RA CRAFTに在籍中, 勤務先連絡先電話番号 - 03-5324-0848 || JOJO Stone Ocean | ONE PIECE | Urusei Yatsura | DMDP | CSM | Undead Unluck | Re:Zero

フォロー数:1202 フォロワー数:49881

I also gave it a pinkish tint and I shaded it like metal with additional soft shading so people wouldn't confuse them with how normal teeth are colored. Old version of this refrence looked like dude has corn seeds in his mouth

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Shueisha colors version and examples of his grills colored by Araki

20 351

Comparison of the old and new design

63 1150

If Diego is supposed to look like DIO, same DIO that also looks like a wall and screams funny road rollers, DIO who's a vampire, which keeps him forever young... That means that Diego might aswell be as buff as Part 1 Dio

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Comparison of Jotaro's and Polnareff's Part 3 and Part 5 designs

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Closest thing to us officially seeing Diego in the anime

307 4190

Gave Johnny an orange lipstick to match Gyro's blue lipstick

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Originally I made his lipstick tealish but I was never going for green Gyro look. I did tweak his palette later tho

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