

アニメーター // 作画監督 ||| 現在、RA CRAFTに在籍中, 勤務先連絡先電話番号 - 03-5324-0848 || JOJO Stone Ocean | ONE PIECE | Urusei Yatsura | DMDP | CSM | Undead Unluck | Re:Zero

フォロー数:1202 フォロワー数:49881

Yeah, like pink giorno is closer to any possible color canon in jojo than idk green gio with blue hair that was only used in that one that one piece

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Red is charas I did designs for
Yellow is charas I still need to design
Green is charas I want to design

Foo fighters next

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Yeah his friend IS named Koichi, he later inspired part 4 Koichi. They have simmilar personalities and are the normal kind regular boys hanging out with weirdos (BT/Josuke). As for BT he was an inspiration for Dio

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Now that goes for all parts but they also tend to miscolor panels or ignore context of when X scenes happen. People also tend to get attached to their palettes, which a lot don't even originate from Araki and were just made up

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Stone Ocean is the part that gets its art butchered the most by coloring, hands down. A lot of panels look so good with Araki's use of screentones which get lost in transition to color, it all blends together. That on top with other issues coloring for all parts have

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Comparison of early Jolyne design to her final appearance

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