

アニメーター // 作画監督 ||| 現在、RA CRAFTに在籍中, 勤務先連絡先電話番号 - 03-5324-0848 || JOJO Stone Ocean | ONE PIECE | Urusei Yatsura | DMDP | CSM | Undead Unluck | Re:Zero

フォロー数:1202 フォロワー数:49881

A thing DP likes to often ommit in it's anime designs is Araki's stylised flattened collarbones. They just make it anatomically accurate to how it is in real life

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Jojo characters are basically Barbie dolls with diffrent clothing and haircuts. Jojo anatomy is the same through most of the parts with only diffrence being minor details and proportions but the structure is the same.

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instead of just guessing how they look like). Parts 1-6 were variations on his earlier styles in which he went with even more stylised approach. In SBR he started going for more pseudo realistic look thats still there to this day

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Cool thing about Araki's art is that his fundamentals no matter the part are still the same, its the details that change. Parts 1-3 was basically an era where Araki was working on solidifying his style (Jojo pecs appeared in BT and by SDC Araki learned how to draw muscles [1/2]

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"Ye 're already brown bread"
*Dio explodes*

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phantom blood deserved better

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Rohan OVA style is for dorks so I tried doing something new. It's still just just experiments tho
Cool little fact:
Only Jojo adaptations that used Araki's doodly highlights were first ep of SDC OVA and HFTF designs

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Now DP also made new art for recent Part 5 escape Room with Scatola but we don't really have any pics of that

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