

Gosto de entrevistar famosos, investigar mistérios do Club Penguin e postar no CP Avalanche! Faço o programa Penguin World e toco teclarra.🤠🎹🐧

フォロー数:317 フォロワー数:1199

Btw I finished that drawing of Sensei which I told ya I was drawing:

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I'm painting the drawing of Sensei! It's not finished yet, but look:

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Do you remember my drawing of Sensei? I started to paint it! Haven't finished it yet, but look:

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Look how the drawing is going now! I started painting!

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=D Thx! That's my drawing =)

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It's my drawing =) I gave him the first version without my signature Here's the final version

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I like drawing =) Last year I made a new look for Cadence to use in her shows. It's a "diva look"

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Hey Happy! Look at my drawing I did about Cadence's new look! Sounds good? =)

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Hey did u like my drawing about the new Cadence's look? =) Learn more here:

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