

Idiot that makes random stickfigure stuff
ft. a green rabbit dude

フォロー数:234 フォロワー数:421

Mommy Long-Legs, or how I like to call her, "It's just Spinel without a banger theme song"

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"Grand drew something sexy, but you can't see it! Because this content creator is rated PG-13!


-Rabbit Boy

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Rabbit + Narwhal - Shapes, Bones And Joints (DISPLAY)

Creation 101: Class 3

The purpose of this mockup with the painting was to basically convey what the 3D structure will look like once its rigged for 3D softwares.

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Rabbit + Narwhal

Creation 101: Class 4

Man this was so fun to draw, 10/10 of a process

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2022| 3: "One More Megalomaniac"_scene1_shot13_16


"The battle begins for the final time"

This process is actually going pretty good. Let's see how long it takes me to finish this.

Another Undertale web-animation coming up.

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Daily 365: "The End?"

It's been a blast everybody. I mean... wow, a WHOLE YEAR of animation. What started out as something fun between and myself, became a cycle that I will never forget.

But I'm not done just yet... no... I'm doing it again... but I'm doing it right.

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Concept Art - The Harlequin

I found my SAI again. I lost it for like two weeks straight, I swear I have no idea what happened to it.

Anyways, I'm just playing with ideas at this point.

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