

He/Any - 30 - Ace
Digital art hobbyist
D&D Player
Video game and Pokemon gijinka enthusiast

フォロー数:25 フォロワー数:22

Tried my hand at a quick-ish lineless drawing of Vessie. Not too great but I like it well enough.

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I still like it, so here's the flats version. Only thing that I think I may change is skin color.

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It's a WIP kind of.

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It is sneakiest grandma.

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Spoilers: I did colour it after some minor tweaks. Also a bonus.

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A little WIP of a drawing I'm working on.

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Made the sketch for this a month ago whoops; here's flats version until I finish it. Prolly tomorrow or some other day. Just not today.

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Sooo I gave myself a little challenge/exercise to sketch something random that comes to mind in like 10 minutes without removing any features I add. It was some good practice with my new art program, so I figured I'd finish it.
Pretty content with my weird pseudo-creepy fairy.

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Here's a shoddy head shot of Vesarus, a retyped Poison/Psychic Noivern that I've enjoyed drawing lots in the past.
That is all.

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Just 2 ancient characters from back in the good ole' DeviantArt group days that I decided to give another draw.
Do not question for their designs are truly flawless.

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