The Great War Groupさんのプロフィール画像

The Great War Groupさんのイラストまとめ

#WW1 charity: Educate/commemorate. Welcomes all.@churchill_alex @boiry62128 @bigandylock @peterbull001 @pikegrey1418

フォロー数:668 フォロワー数:13231

One week left people! Make sure you subscribe in time to be on the mailing list for the first issue of Salient Points! As little as £4.99 per month

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Ten days left chaps and chapesses to make sure you subscribe in time to be on the mailing list for the first edition of the magazine!

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You still have a few days to subscribe to the Great War Group in time to receive the first magazine! We’re so proud of it. 106 PAGES! 1/3 of which is on the theme of Remembrance this time 🕯

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One man and his camel in the Western Desert campaign. We’ve got a feature coming on that in our “Africa” themed magazine next year!

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The jr. magazine for the is going to feature a graphic novel each issue. Each will look at a character from Walter Tull is up first, and in Feb we’ll be looking at the Red Baron 💪🏼 Subscribe before 31/10 to be on the mail shot for

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The magazine print run is underway! Some final sneaky previews of what’s inside! AND a exclusive look at our junior content for those aged 9-14, which will feature a graphic novel piece each time. First up it’s Walter Tull. Subscribe to both here:

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You seemed to enjoy the sneak previews of our first magazine so here are some more! Anyone who subscribes before 31/10 will make it on to the mailing list on time 💪🏼

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The journey of a Croix de Guerre 🇫🇷 Le voyage d'une croix de guerre

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French troops crossing the Yser in 1917.
Troupes françaises traversant l’Yser en 1917.

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Portrait of General Anthoine. 103 years ago he led the French contingent at Passchendaele. Portrait du général Anthoine. Il y a 103 ans, il dirigeait le contingent français à Passchendaele.

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