

comic artist living it up in ATL also check out my comic at…

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Hey Jimmy, I just launched a Kickstarter for a comic about a young land with a weird hat kicking giant and small monsters in the face? Can I get a boost? Thanks.

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The last panel is one of my favorite panels from this series.

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You read this right, this was on the table but I got it. there are a lot of exciting new things happening in comics but no one doing this haha. I hope you are reading, I am excited about this project.

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There are many moments in movies, comics that I think "This was on the table? Damn, why didn't I do that?" I present mine. There might be better fight scenes but if you read this one, you won't forget. Things are getting fun and crazy on Unprofessional!

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The good news is, it can't get worst....wait?

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Coloring some Unprofessional. I just wanted to enjoy this moment of pure pain from my character. She has reached her limit but life keeps going. Have a good night and remember, keep going. Also, read

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