

A sonic the hedgehog lover who is the secretary of Shadouge. I see Shadow, I see Rouge, I like.

フォロー数:143 フォロワー数:120

I figured out a brush for fur, metal, and eyes. I just need to perfect my line art and put it all together in one style with the coloring.

I wish infinite would come back.

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More art.... Perhaps I should draw someone else, but I love Rouge so much T.T

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Finished in the mid-late November

Prompt 7: Treasure Hording.. I mean hunting.

Rouge: You don't even like jewels.
Shadow: Half was part of the deal, Rouge.

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Shadouge Day 7 🥰 Costumes.

Shadow: What character is this?? (Picks at outfit)

Rouge: Stitch. He is somebody you can relate to, hun.

Shadow: Tsh, I've never heard of him. How do you relate to your character?

Rouge: Easy, just watch.(Grabs hand)

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Day 3 Cooking.

Amy: Thanks so much for helpin... WHAT THE ?!
Shadow: Be sure to take the cake out of the oven. *laughs*
Rouge: Buy some more apples as well, love. We ran out *Places apple on Shadow*

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I felt like the comics really wanted me to shipped these two. The promises and the great artwork in the Shadow Fall arc. <3

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