

The greenette originally from Sinnoh who now journeys through the Paldea Region. Juliana is 19 years of age. *Parody account*

フォロー数:4993 フォロワー数:2537



Well I mean, they've grown just a bit during my diagnosis. Hope that's okay.

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Hanging out with Sabi today, but I just wanted to tell how I've been doing.

I've been doing well, being 5 weeks in and all.

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Cheryl: "Today is my Birthday at last! And thankfully I can celebrate with a close relative of mine, and the future of our legacy."

Sabi: "Onwards Cheryl! We must reach Eterna City before tonight to celebrate!"

((Just wanted to let you all know I love this day in particular.

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"It's hard to move... I can't run away from this feeling..."

Cheryl says as she watches the Hypno move her pendulum side to side, falling into a deep state of hypnosis. She now, temporarily, belonged to the Hypno.

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Hopefully I get a good score.

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Here you go, Diamond Clan Leader.

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Mind if I steal you for a picture?

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