

Hi everyone. I'm just another artist. I hope you like what you see me make. Also expect a hashtag for my comic project I'm working on.

フォロー数:590 フォロワー数:309

Very early birthday art trade for my good friend , featuring his very exotic thief, Shadow Panther. I really do enjoy draw his characters, I just don't get that much time to do it.

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So it turns out Spirits don't deconfirm characters after all. One the one hand, I'm bummed it's Min Min. On the other, it still gives me hope for the future:

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Full Render, Flat Render and Lineart of Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo for my new commission sheet.

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I'm using these as an example of sketch tiers for my new commission sheet. I needed to draw a full body so I can add a guide for half body commissions at half the price of full body.

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So wait, are people being offended by fictional characters making fictional expressions? If so then call me the class bully!

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They clearly state that cute Pokemon were allowed in the Square!
I'm gonna file a lawsuit for damages!

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Some Colour Shaded Sketch Busts for , for his three girls Diantha, Mei and Jennifer

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