

Chaos dragon. She/her. PhD in Cog Sci of Religion. GiantIf.com
@[email protected]

フォロー数:2592 フォロワー数:1558

Repost. Seems still relevant somehow.

3 23

Over 2,000 shares on FB so far. That suggests this cartoon struck a chord, which makes me happy. I’ve seen a few complaints that it’s disrespectful, but I’d like to note that these two people are coexisting peacefully. This is a “yes and” cartoon.

26 106

Reminder that bounty hunters are the bad guys.

1 6

This really sums it up, doesn't it?


1 7

I like when does cartoons that are actually in conversation with each other, like here with and . I also love whenever Kal draws monsters.

11 22

Speed draw of today’s “Surprise” cartoon.

2 5

You put yourself on the other side of that line, buddy https://t.co/hSpYcaOfIC

52 119

New "It's okay"
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4 20