

GreteLyn/Greteh | Taken by @noxxiia | Digital Artist Hobbyist | In love with your characters | How do you turn this thing on?

フォロー数:1072 フォロワー数:412

Patreon Reward for

Thank you so much for being patient with me man! Youre the real MVP

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I've been really out of it this week, been tired since day one, and have felt a lil fatigued these past couple of days

Gonna try to rest up this weekend (but not too much; I still have a lot of commissions and stuff to take care of oof)

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Oh boy here's Grete back at it with the SLAPPIES<

Commission for the buddy
their character, Kat!!
I had fun working on this aaa

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Patreon Reward for ShifterInTheShadows

Their snow leopard character, Alex!

(Want to be get monthly rewards + other bonus stuff? Head over to my Patreon for info: )

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Commission for the wonderful
Their gorgeous character, Tendazeth ~

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Stream Freebies from Friday!

Individual Sketches:

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Doodle of my robo girl, Platinum

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Gift slappy of Charlie
because is amazing and they deserve it

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Patreon August Reward for ShifterInTheShadows
Their cat character, Sasha \o/
I had fun working on this cute yet simple design aaa

[ Want some free art every month and other bonuses? Head on over to My Patreon for more info! ]

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Something I did inbetween commissions o/

Gift doodle for the super cool & talented

because i love their art and i love their sona and ive been wanting to make them something for a long time aaaaa

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