

He/him/they | Adult | Bisexual | Pokemon artist, Fairy-Type enthusiast | proshippers fuck off…

フォロー数:349 フォロワー数:135

I'm extremely late but him,, :)

0 3

I think I know what y'all'll answer but I'm still curious :00
These two are buds :)

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I'm very curious :o

2 10

Looking at this alignment chart it seems four of them have gdjjgjd

0 4

“If you see this tweet, show us your quarantine art progress!”

March-April 2020
March 2021

0 5

I have,, funny man,, :)

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// mild blood

Frank :) he's a stinkie man and you should hate him >:)
He has only one friend that he (gently) bullies constantly

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