

Hello there! I draw anime girls, have recently started getting into 3D modelling and rarely post stuff!! (also cosplay)
| instagram.com/grofachan/ |

フォロー数:1019 フォロワー数:140

Also to celebrate my newly opened commissions and 50+ followers there will be an art raffle soon so look forward to that! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

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I've created a new character and decided to digitally colour it. One of my best digital works so far in my opinion ^^

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Currently trying out my new cosplay and I love it! Even though I have brought shame upon my family because it's not self made... TwT
jkjk :P

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So sad to see that bigger youtubers really lose their humor... 😿

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Well I know that you're following me on Instagram but I didn't expect you to actually search for my username on Twitter

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Let me guess. You were searching for Magnology on Twitter...

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Thank you very much senpai >///<

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Voice acting and singing are honestly both really cool things and if you're interested in those go for it!

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On my way to the LBM/MCC. So excited!!! >u<

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