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@artofnessa @willy_zin_ad Thanks muchly for the opportunity!
I don't have a proper reference sheet, sadly, but I'd love a VR model of my Skaven Barbarian RP character Mange Skritch-Scratch for when I get back into VR (hopefully soon).
@DeePeeArts MMMM! The Russian Luchador with caveman intelligence and permanent resting bitchface.
@NTRaccoonART MMMM and Natalie. MMMM the Russian Luchador with caveman intelligence gets sent on a blind date by his friend Pippi. He likes wrestling, dogs, and gardening, so he'd probably bring her a small flower bouquet at Pippi's coaxing. He speaks in third person and can't smile well.
Tomorrow: Mange Skritch-Skratch, Skaven Barbarian in @LowFantasyGamin #lowfantasygaming at 3:30 PM ET
Saturday: Gizmek Skrapmangl da Geer-Turnah in #RogueTrader at 10 AM ET
@hedgiihog Would love some more cute art of my psycho girl xD
@grubby_guy Would love a model of my Mordheim RP character, the Skaven Barbarian Mange Skritch-Scratch, and perhaps his chaos steed Chompy.
Your 3D work is fantastic, by the way. Follow well earned.
@DrRibcage Mina the malfunctioning, sadistic serial murderer.
@RiRiLoLoArts1 My Russian Luchador, MMMM. Permanent resting bitch face, but wants to help people when he can, entertain with his wrestling skills, and has the softest spot for dogs of all kinds. Also likes to garden.
Speaks in a coarse caveman-grammar third person, but is good boy.