🎲Gronc Percent🎲さんのプロフィール画像

🎲Gronc Percent🎲さんのイラストまとめ

Furry that is madly in love with Loona🐺🌙 🔞Nsfw sometimes🔞

フォロー数:244 フォロワー数:997

Flak and Colin! The power of money shall return...and flak be looking like a Gorillaz character lol (but he is still my favorite)

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How fascinating, I am surprised you chose me lol. Thank you though: have a cropped Loona

1 10

Oh my god i absolutely love the faces Loona makes. I just wanna give her so many fricken kisses and hug her so hard💖 there is no one like Loona and there certainly is no one that can EVER replace her❤️

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CHAOS CHAOS I LOVE CHAOS❗❗❗MAY THIS WORLD BE PLUNGED IN CHAOS!!! (*Translation* Here are some drawings of my characters that i made, i have some more, but i unfortunately don't know what colors they should have yet. Enjoy them pics; these characters might be important...)

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Say, I know this might be a bit random, but have you ever been depressed because of Loona? Like have you been depressed because she's not real, and because you know she would never ever love you? It's kinda hard to explain tbh. Sorry for the silly post

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Interesting....do you mean.... hellhound butt?

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Guys i just realized something; i could have pre ordered advance wars for 60 bucks, instead of buying 63 dollars worth of Loona merch.......guys, I'm starting to wonder; is Loona truly worth it? Is it worth to think we have chance with a hellhound beyond our league?

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Lord Sturm looks even more badass in every new game lol, i mean; just look!!!!

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