

Furry Artist and Professional Grump. Stay tuned for more complaining. NO MINORS. I draw degeneracy.

Whatever pronoun you want to call me idc.

フォロー数:84 フォロワー数:754

Haven’t done any personal work in a while so have an edgy pudge Mareanie.

3 18

Look at this grumpy bitch

9 12

Slug girl yis. Her name is Nilla \ouo/

1 12

I’m half-asleep so this probably looks like ass *snort* butt whatevs here ya go :y

1 13

Sleepy Jhadot butt \ouo/

5 10

My tsun woofy Cream's ass :y

4 10

Oh look it’s my ass

4 5

My new cyborg bunny, Kite

3 13