

Father of none. | 18

フォロー数:6299 フォロワー数:443

I doubt I count as friend, but I'll still try! Your work is great! Can't wait to see the finished product! (again, sorry they're just MC skins)

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Nah, the real question that nobody is asking is "How bagel bites wear ties?"

1 67

Uhh idk Technoking?

3 176

I wanna get better, but these are the only ones that I see post-worthy atm.

1 7

These two images that Meat Canyon made. I believe it'd be a nice gift to our dear Tubbo.

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So, we all know how 's mc skin is based off his "So yeah, I'm a gamer" shirt, right? Well, what if each time he lost a canon life, a heart disappeared. And when he dies, it's just a white shirt?

33 290

That's good!

Did you know that there were three officially licensed KFC comics made by DC?

0 14

I made a tiny TapL in MSPaint. It's not good by any means, but it was fun lol.

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