

/k/ Author, TTRPG Writer, pRoFeSsIoNaL RPG Streamer, Artist on Occasion

Author of the Veil Riders, and the Emily Bronze series.…

フォロー数:236 フォロワー数:4938

yall ever just have no idea what the fuck you are doin

2 21

Why the fuck are people creaming over Rebecca and not Dorio.

0 23

"We just don't believe your books will sell."

>Meanwhile at 80 books this year which brings the tally up to 400's
>mfw I fucking hate publishers and wish they could all suck my nuts clean.

3 19

had a mind wiggle of an idea for my next big bad evil gal in my stormrider campaign

0 14

Pirated Thirsty Sword Lesbians and read through it completely, absolute trash

0 12

>when you're trying to get a pose right and are at the point you would almost pay a woman money to just take a selfie of the fucking pose

1 20