GudakoVision🔞#Vtuber #Nyartaloteph 🌟🐙さんのプロフィール画像

GudakoVision🔞#Vtuber #Nyartaloteph 🌟🐙さんのイラストまとめ

▶Nyarlathotepian Vtuber🐙
▶Yours truly Eldritch Being✨
▶Model by: @myobitan
▶PfP: @iBluntilda

フォロー数:3368 フォロワー数:979

Gonna have to cancel today's stream~
many things have come to be today
so i am so so so sorry
pls forgive me

-sad bean-
that being said
gonna posponed today's book reading until Tuesday!
we are gonna read DANTE ALIGHIERI's Divine Comedy
hope to see yah there~

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Hi Hi Hi WORLD!!!!!!

i am Guda, your lovely eldritch Husband!
i am a EN/ES Vtuber!! that came to this world to write you lots and lots of poetry and lots and lots of love!

i hope you enjoy my content and my poems!
let me bring chaos to your heart

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I am sorry darling

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Oh my!!!
It's my Twitter anniversary!!!

9 years here and I just recently begin to use it, just to post my art and my vtuber stuff!!

Thanks for being with me dear
Here cheers

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We had a blast today!
we didn't get to gold tho well we have a goal now!

tomorrow is reading day~ so we are gonna be reading some stories in Spanish

i hope to see you there

in the meantime here yah go champ
a nice soda for you~

love chu~

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la amiga: oye oka porque me envias el dinero?

- 5 minutos en silencio despues-

oka: a

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Dream well my stars

There in the stars
I wait for you my love
Somewhere there in the stars
I search my way back home
To you my dear love

Rts and love appreciated
I hope you enjoy my words
My poems tonight

Dream well my star

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hi hi~ Guda aqui~ Orgulloso GRYFFINDOR!!

patronus seria un oso con ganas de golpear a alguien XD

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