

漫畫家吉川英朗先生の作品で大好きなの人。 私の作品を気に入っていただけましたら、創作活動の応援としてコーヒー一杯分のご支援を考えていただけると嬉しいです:guodongyu.fanbox.cc

フォロー数:1180 フォロワー数:1774

You think you could avoid the insult and rape process of DunaMista, Emila san?

Of course not, as the replacement of Amelia in Yoshikawa Sensei`s dream, you don`t have the enough power to fight the BEST PARTNER of The Dead(亡者達)

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Little modified of some details

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And because she couldn`t resist or harm the people. She just got the weak point by these transformed people and is insulted for a long time.

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