

Artist/pan/trans girl/femboy/vampire I love music, comics, horror movies, and video games. Spooky things are absolutely my aesthetic.


フォロー数:3378 フォロワー数:43690

working on a femboy Elric of Melnibone, I'm always taken aback by how anime my art looks when drawing humans

16 133

snowy little bunny with ghost vibes👻

1520 8043

adorable Autumn colored Scene Dog for

66 343

Here's the original drawn in 2018. I'm reminiscing on 3 years of being Gutter-Bunny. It's crazy how much I've improved in 3 years.

30 411

Hey, this looks familiar.

637 4570

The lesbian bar owner gives you this look wdyd

291 1434

Less is Morgue is a funny and charming podcast, so I drew Riley Almanzor

43 279