👻GuuriChI🔪 VArtist/Riggerさんのプロフィール画像

👻GuuriChI🔪 VArtist/Riggerさんのイラストまとめ

An E-Ghoul from a Digital Ouija Board | FanArt: #Galluuri | Live: #GuuRave | ART+RIG: Me! | twitch.tv/guurichi | folio: guurichi.tumblr.com

フォロー数:2285 フォロワー数:602

All the Guuri 3.0 Models from oldest to newest!!!

Thank you for your continues support throughout 2020-now, hopefully there will be more outfits this year!!

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Thanks for watching the stream! heres the Ghibli redraw i painted uwu i wanna do it again

I love vibrant colors what can i say

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Did a lil drawing ref practice to get outta my artblock :))))

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