

18+ only. Thirsty on main. 29 years old. Master of procrastination. Writer of all things dumb. NSFW.
Icon by @neosavias
Banner by @antiviela

フォロー数:1269 フォロワー数:1034

Keira's gone through a few changes but she'll always be one o' my favs.

0 10

Random idea: Sorcha has used Keira's bra as a bowl for ramen instead of doing the washing up

1 11

This is an AU. That was a great story

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*notices your bulge*

0 4

I'm more than happy to throw my metaphorical hat in this ring

0 2

Thank you for the opportunity!

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Fun fact is I have an actual answer. I know exactly who I want Ardan to sound like.

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First game, favourite game, favourite pokemon, favourite trainer

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